1. Change Sanitary Pads Every 6 Hours
This is the most fundamental rule of a hygiene routine for females. If you have normal blood flow, then you must change your sanitary pad every 6 hours. The same rule applies to those who have a light flow. However, if your flow is heavy, then it's recommended that you change your sanitary pad every 3-4 hours.
Those who use a tampon must change it every 6 hours and clean the area every time you visit the toilet If it seems difficult for you to change your tampons or sanitary pads, you can use a menstrual cup for clean, easy and leak-free protection for up to 12 hours! This will help you avoid skin rashes and bad odour while keeping you safe from infections that are caused when you don’t change pads and tampons on time.

2. Maintain The pH Balance
The vagina naturally knows how to have good hygiene down there, and so, it can keep itself safe from fungal and bacterial infections by maintaining a specific pH balance. Ideally, the normal pH balance of the vagina varies between 3.8 to 4.5. However, harsh soaps and chemical-laden cleansing products can disrupt this pH balance and invite infections. Swap your soap with an intimate care wash with a gentle formulation to maintain your vagina’s natural pH level.

3. Clean The Vagina After Intercourse
You must make it a habit to clean your intimate area every time after you indulge in intercourse. This will protect you from unwanted urinary tract infections that may be caused by the body fluids and particles from intimate products. Use a mild cleanser and water to clean your vagina and keep it safe from bacteria and fungal infections.

4. Remove Pubic Hair Regularly
Keep your pubic hair short and vagina clean. Avoid using a razor as it increases the risk of cuts. A cut can invite bacterial infections, and your vulva is the last place to invite a cut-related infection. You may want to consider trimming your pubic hair if not shaving it all the way.

5. Always Wipe From Front to Back
Any hygiene routine for females is incomplete with this very important intimate care tip. When you visit the loo, always remember to wipe from front to back. Don't make the mistake of wiping back to front because this can transfer all the harmful bacteria from your anus to your vagina. So, if you want to avoid a vaginal infection that requires you to take antibiotics, you’ve got to nail your wiping technique.

6. Avoid Douching
Douching is an absolute no-no when it comes to women's intimate hygiene. This is because douching involves the use of chemicals that can disrupt your vagina’s pH balance, and it increases the risk of vaginal infections. Rely on your vagina’s self-cleansing mechanism instead of using a device that may push all the menstrual dirt and bacteria into the reproductive tract in the process of flushing out toxic secretions.

7. Practise Safe Sex
Unprotected sex greatly increases the risk of sexually transmitted diseases and vaginal infections, so make sure you use protection every time you indulge in any sexual activity.

8. Eat Clean
You may not be aware of this, but eating and drinking habits have an impact on women's intimate hygiene. Fried foods, junk, coffee, and soda may give you temporary happiness, but your body suffers in the process. Eating fresh and healthy foods will keep your genital discharge and sweat smelling natural, and your pH level balanced.

9. Stay Hydrated
Your daily dose of coffee and fizzy drinks disrupt your vagina’s bacterial balance so be sure to drink a lot of water to help your body flush out the toxins with ease. Stay hydrated to keep your vagina clean and healthy!

10. Don’t Ignore These Signs Of A Vaginal Infection
Finally comes the most important tip of this female hygiene checklist: Don't ignore any signs of vaginal infection like smelly discharge, pain during intercourse, itchiness, burning sensations, or stinky undergarments. Consult your doctor immediately as it could be signalling an underlying health condition.
Follow this female hygiene checklist to ensure a healthy vagina and overall wellness!