Currently, almost 8 million women complain of hair loss all over the world. If you look and ask women around you, most of them would complain about the problem of hair loss. The proportion of women facing hair loss problems is growing. Today’s women mostly live a fast life and cannot spend much time on hair care. Yet, the hair is constantly exposed to harsh weather conditions. While the problem of hair loss is increasing, the time and effort to take care of hair is decreasing.
Short, long, curly or straight – every woman loves her hair and tries to protect it. Yet, hair loss is becoming one of the common ailments that are being searched online and complained to trichologists. When talking about hair loss in women, one noteworthy point is if your daily hair loss is around 100 strands, then that's natural and normal.
If you're getting clumps of hair stuck and tangled in your hairbrush or are seeing more hair strands on your bedding, then you could have a case of hair loss. From these symptoms, the hair can become thin and end in baldness at a later stage.
Professionals and scientists continue their research on the problem of hair loss. By now, they've discovered some common reasons that lead to hair problems for women. If you're also facing the problem of hair loss, then here's your guide to help you understand hair loss and introduce you to some possible solutions.
Causes Of Hair Loss In Women

The first noteworthy fact about hair loss is, it can happen at any age and there must be a reason for it. Also, if ample and correct initiatives are taken, this problem of hair loss can be stopped.
When the problem of hair loss starts it's very distressing for women because it disturbs their look. Hair loss is unhealthy, unwanted and unhygienic and can make women lose confidence in their own femininity. Therefore, after discovering the problem of hair loss, women try to find out the best possible solutions and start to try them out. However, solutions for hair loss should be tried and implemented based on the causes of hair loss. Until you know why hair loss is happening, you shouldn't begin to start a hair recovery process. So that you can easily find out your cause of hair loss, here's a list of common reasons why hair loss starts among women:
B>Physical stress
If you've suffered from some kind of physical trauma or severe illness such as the flu, this can cause temporary hair loss. This happens because your hair has a programmed life cycle: growth phase, rest phase, and shedding phase. Any disruption such as a really stressful event can cause the hair cycle to put more hairs into the shedding phase. It tends to be more noticeable 3-6 months after the trauma has happened. So, after noticing hair loss, try to think if any such disease or trauma has happened to you which could be a probable cause.
Pregnancy is a phase of constant hormonal and bodily changes. The chances of hair loss are more likely after you deliver the baby. However, some women complain of hair loss even during the 9 months. To sum up, hair loss and pregnancy are related among women. However, hair loss during pregnancy can be recovered with the right efforts and hair care methods.
Lack of protein
Lack of protein in your diet costs a toll for your hair and can be a cause of your hair loss. Due to a lack of protein, the hair initially might show symptoms like roughness and dryness. The ultimate outcome of protein deficiency in hair is hair loss. The solution to this kind of hair problem is protein supplements and opting for protein-based diets.
One of the most common causes of hair loss worldwide is heredity. Termed as androgenic or androgenetic alopecia, this particular type of hair thinning happens at the hairline and on top of the head or scalp. The parting may start to noticeably widen with other obvious signs of thinning hair across the scalp becoming more prominent. Medical treatments or natural topical solutions available on the market today can help to revive the volume and thickness of hair.
Solutions For Female Hair Loss

There are many treatments, solutions and suggestions available on the market and the internet that can dramatically help your case of hair loss if you're a woman. The choices of hair loss solutions might confuse you and if you were to try anything random the problem might grow. Therefore, here's a list of healthy solutions for hair loss that women can try out to protect their hair. These solutions have no known side effects and should be tried for at least a month to see if there are any changes. Take a look!
Minoxidil is the only known medically proven treatment for hair loss. When applied regularly and as directed, it may slow or stop hair loss. The only downside is it has to be prescribed by your general physician. Please note minoxidil is a time-consuming process and can take months to show its results. Minoxidil, when applied topically on hair, promotes hair growth. It also leads to hair regrowth. One of the common side effects of Minoxidil is irritation in the hair or eyes for a few minutes after application.
Natural Solutions
Natural solutions are a great way to help slow down the rate of your hair loss or even stop it completely. Natural hair loss solutions usually come with little to no side effects and minimal effort. They support your body’s natural ability to grow healthy hair. In our natural hair loss solution category, the simplest is discreet and easy-to-take natural capsules, such as the TRX2, a molecular hair loss supplement. Alternatively, simply washing your hair with a shampoo that consists of natural ingredients can also relieve your hair loss problem. Using natural solutions often means you can avoid any awkward trips to your doctor or pharmacist, which means you can get to the root of your problem faster.
Laser Treatment
Laser treatment may help to stimulate hair growth by promoting blood flow to hair follicles. This can be offered by dermatologists and many hair loss centres as an in-house session, or you can purchase a laser helmet to use at home. Those who don't want to spend much time on hair loss solutions should opt for this as you'll see faster results.
Eating the right diet
A healthy body is far more likely to experience a healthy head of hair. It's known that a diet rich in fruit and vegetables can help to prevent and minimise hair loss. Some of the nutritional requirements that can help include:
Iron - It’s important to note that vegetarian women may experience a lack of the required iron needed more so compared to other people.
Protein - Protein is essential for resilient hair, boosting the amino acids that work to strengthen hair.
Vitamin C - Vitamin C helps in the effective absorption of iron that leads to hair growth.
Omega -3 - Omega -3 fatty acids have an important role in preventing hair from becoming dry and brittle. Find your Omega -3 source in tuna, salmon, flaxseeds and walnuts.
Everyday Hair Care Tips

Why let hair loss at all affect your scalp, head and beauty? Hair loss can be completely avoided if everyday care is applied on the hair from the start. Whether it's for your little daughter, yourself or your old neighbour, these hair care tips can be applied to any woman at any age. If followed, these hair care tips lessen the scope of hair loss and protect the hair from harsh weather conditions.
Time your hair comb session
How many times do you brush or comb your hair? Well, there's no ideal answer to this. Depending on the length, volume and condition of your hair, you can decide. Yet there are certain times of day when you have to brush or comb your hair - before going to bed, in the morning and after you shower. Note, try not to brush wet hair as it increases the scope of hair fall.
Managing wet hair
In case you're in a hurry and you have to comb your wet hair, then you must use a particular comb. To comb wet hair, your comb must have a wide tooth comb that easily moves from the scalp to the tips. These combs also help to remove tangles from your hair.
Pick the right shampoo for you
Don’t use a shampoo just for the sake of it. Always go for natural shampoos. Read through the ingredients of a shampoo before trying it. If you think you're comfortable and non-allergic to all the ingredients of the shampoo, then you can continue using the shampoo. However, over-shampooing your hair can be damaging and also result in hair loss.
Manage your water temperature
A universal rule for all kinds of hair is to wash it with cold water i.e. water at normal temperature. Hot water spoils the texture of the hair and makes it rough, increasing the chances of hair loss. So when you're washing your hair check the water temperature as it's directly related to the health of your hair.
Extra attention to hair accessories
Women often use hair accessories like scrunchies, clips, clutches or ribbons and pins to enhance their look. Try using them as little as possible just to keep the hair in shape. These may be able to hold the hair tight but this weakens hair roots which ultimately lead to hair loss. Therefore, choosing the right hair accessories are very important for women to maintain their hair.