Why Breast Enlargement?

Women undergo this breast enlargement procedure for many reasons, but it all comes down to being unhappy with the size of their breasts. You may think your breasts have always been too small, or that you have lost size and volume after losing weight or giving birth. It could also be the case that they want to correct a noticeable size difference between the breasts. Whatever the reason, it’s important to fully understand the procedure and be sure it’s the route you wish to go down.
Non-Surgical And Natural Ways Of Breast Enlargement
Breast enlargement is a major decision, especially if you’re opting for surgery. It’s expensive; there are risks involved, side effects and no assurance of desired results. While stuffing your bra with some pads seems like the easiest breast enlargement solution, there are better and simpler ways that are safe and natural and have the potential to enhance your breasts.
Most of these products work by stimulating the glands associated with the production of hormones that increase breast size. They also increase the blood flow in the bust region that naturally and gradually increases the firmness of breasts. The best thing about these products is unlike surgery they have no known negative effect on breastfeeding.
Breast enhancement creams:
Breast creams can be used by women of any age; there isn’t a certain age group that is restricted such as the breast enhancement surgery. Most of the creams work by improving the blood flow to the breasts and thereby increasing the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the breast tissue. Unlike other breast enlargement methods, creams have a low risk of any severe side-effects. But, it’s essential to remember that pregnant and breast-feeding women must consult their doctor before using these creams.
Breast enhancement pills:
More and more women are now choosing natural breast enlargement pills for improving their bust size and enhancing their firmness. These pills make for a discreet, safe and effective way of getting the desired breast size.
Breast enlargement exercises and diet:
The right type of exercises can help you build up the pectoral muscles and fat tissue in the breasts which helps enhance the shape. Exercises like push-ups and its variations, dumbbell flys and chest dips tone your breasts making them appear fuller. The amount of oestrogen present in the body has a connection with your breast size. Nuts, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, almonds, broccoli, apples, milk, strawberries are all known to have properties to boost the oestrogen level thereby enhancing the appearance of your breasts.

Breast enlargement using surgery:
Breast enlargement is usually achieved by placing implants either under the breast tissue or under the pectoral muscle. A couple of different options are also available for the types of implant used. The most used implants in the UK are silicone gel or saline. When the implants come to the end of their life, they will need to be removed or replaced. If you’ve had implants and notice at any time that they feel strange or are hurting you after the initial healing period you should contact your doctor to get them checked. You can also try these tips to improve breast size.
Why Are Natural Breast Enhancement Methods Better Than Surgery?

Nowadays, more and more women are turning towards these enhancement products owing to the safety that they offer. When using products like creams and pills, there’s a lower risk of any kind of side-effects.
- As you don’t go under the knife, there’s no recovery process and there aren’t any chances of scarring or bleeding.
- Unlike surgery, creams don’t cause hardening of the breast and hence, there’s no need for special bras. In fact, surgery can sometimes lead to loss of sensation in nipples and breast infections, but with creams there are no such known complications.
- The look of the breast that you get after using enhancement products is totally natural. No one will be surprised by the sudden growth of your cup size as the results of these products are gradual.
- Moreover, nipple sensitivity isn’t affected by using creams or pills. So, if you plan to breastfeed later in life, you won’t be facing any problems.
Drawbacks Of Breast Enlargement Surgery
- Discomfort due to bruising, tingling sensations, swelling and numbing are the first effects of the breast augmentation process.
- Scars are also an avoidable side effect of the surgery. They may lighten over time but can’t be completely invisible. So the method isn’t completely discreet.
- Enlargement surgeries promote sagging because of the weight of the new implants.
- As you age, the skin starts thinning and the sagging becomes more prominent. You will need a breast lift surgery after a few years of breast implants to fix the sagging.
- Implants can cause stretch marks around the breast area and may spoil the overall appearance of your breasts.
- It’s not safe to go under the knife when you’re breastfeeding or if you’re pregnant.
The Final Word
There’s a wide range of breast enlargement products on the market that helps women to enhance their appearance at the comfort of their home and without breaking the bank. Breast augmentation products that are made from natural ingredients are completely safe. However, pregnant and breastfeeding women must consult their doctors before using these products.